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The NEW Bowley Rotasera Disk Detainer Lock Teardown
[1436] Inside Perspective on Picking Disc Detainer Locks
[517] The Bowley Rotasera (Let me explain why I can NOT pick this lock)
Holy Moly it's a Bowley. Landed in an Abus Rock
#1885 More on the new Rotasera Bowley padlocks.
Reassembling the Bowley Rotasera Lock
[636] Bowley Lock Analysis and Update
[1376] A Locksmith Couldn’t Open This — Find Out Why
If You Buy a Padlock That's Too Cheap, So Easy to Defeat
83: The Great Butter Heist, Bowley ROTASERA, TOOOL Victimized
[1418] Master Lock Sent Me a Challenge… Kinda.
0079 - Rotasera #lockpicking #military #survival #security #edc